A Lemon A Day, Keep Doctor Away!!
Do you believe this myths? I do....Since my mum told me to give lemon juice to Jona and Isaac Noel as their daily supplement, indeed, their health has improved instantly...no more flu or cough...
Before this, always alternate day, Isaac Noel will got flu (don't know from where - back from nanny house), and Jona will always got it from school (no comment) - cough or flu...and, for my boys, once they started cough, I have to use inhaler to ease their discomfort. And flu medicine for their flu which I really hate of using it. And, worst come worst, I have more work to do - wash their blankie or bedsheet/pillow case due to their vomit of bad cough and phlegm almost every day!! Sometimes, I just run out of stock for their blankie/bedsheet....
Now, all these problem has been set aside, hopefully forever lor....
I truly believe lemon contain high vitamin C and can boost immune system too (no wonder so sour, he,he....). Luckily, my boys just love it so much, of course, added bit of sugar to make it less soury. Thanks to my mum again for this remedy...and, I just spend less money on buying their daily supplement anymore...rather put the money to purchase lemon....yummy, yummy...
Indeed, when myself or esp hubby got flu(always, just don't understand how he so easily got it), after drink lemon juice, it just get better. And, nowdays, I truly believe lemon is better than orange in term of vit.C. My boys can't eat orange till today cause once they took it, immediately got phlegm.
I'm so happy that Isaac and Jona just 'free' from flu. If they do caught with flu, immediately drink lemon juice, the flu just get better and not worst.....
Might wanna try for yourself.