Saturday, October 20, 2007

Travel: Australia

Guess where I'm writing now? Yeah...I'm in Melbourne.....has been here for almost a week now, and next week, I will be in Australia again, but, PERTH!! He,he....Definitely, I been missing home so much, you know, away from my darling princes......

The weather here is really fanstatic!! Hopefully, I do have some free time to walk around and enjoy the scenario.....

Conversation with Jona & Iz(before I left):

Mommy: Momi going to take aeroplane go to Australia.....what you want?
Jona: mmm...mmm...thinking so hard.....'Jellyfish sticker'!!
Iz: Transfome (Transformer)...and acting 'BANG' 'BANG'.....

Ha, funny, the request from my boys


michelle@mybabybay said...

Wow, are you on biz or vacation trip? I miss Oz too. Have a good time.

Health Freak Mommy said...

Traveling again? You seem to be traveling quite a bit eh? What are you working as? Auditor?

Wen said...

wah so nice..have a wonderful time and dont forget the special request

Chinneeq said...

so nice travelling again :) when coming back?

chanelwong said...

sooo nice har...holidays?

IMMomsDaughter said...

Have a good time, business or otherwise :)

MamaJo said...

To all mommies: Business trip lor, vacation - have to wait till my boys grown up..then, more fun.

Wen: Thanks for dropping by my blog :)