Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Do you think I'm shoe-koholic? Haha...I bought 3 pair of shoes within one day and within 1 hour in one shopping mall.
Initially, my hubby says I’m crazy of buying so many shoes. But, once he saw the shoe one by one, his comment is “All of them look very nice”. He even told me, “This shoe can be wear for dinner or attending function, those can be formal wear, etc..” Suddenly become my image consultant.
As for my mom, she is always very supporting and sporting. She always encourages me to buy for myself and pampering myself.
Of course, the main reason I bought all the shoes at ONE GOAL is because IT’S A SALE SEASON!!! I get some discount like 30% to 70% for these shoes. Don’t you think it is worth the money?

Anyway, wishing all of my readers - Happy 2010 New Year!!!


michelle@mybabybay said...

You and my mom are the same. She can buy a few pairs on the same day. I am not a shoe person. I wear 1 for work and 1 for casual throughout the whole year.

Chinneeq said...

u deserve them, JO.

Babysmooches said...

it's nice to have gifts for ourselves once in a while :-)

MamaJo said...

Michelle: Wow, your shoe can last that long? My hand just feel itchy to buy but then, my shoe is not so fast wear off :(

MummytoQiQi: hehe..yalor hor, pamper myself once in blue moon

Babysmooches: Hehe...true also

Family First said...

Its good to pamper yourself and if you can afford it, why not right?