Monday, July 14, 2008

Dare to kiss me.....?

Iz is definitely a chocolate lover, anything related to chocolate, he just can't accept the answer of 'NO' to have it.....of course, beside that, he does has a special 'nickname' in our home - little 'dustbin' long as you munch or eat something, he will quickly go near you and ask for a bite.

Anyone seeing Iz, just can't said 'NO' to him. I don't know why, maybe, he is too cute......See, even my bro also fullfill all his wish. My bro even bought Gelato ice-cream for him when he ask for it!!!
So, on my cousin wedding dinner recently, Iz saw a nice chocolate fountain and ask for it. And, my bro even go and dip the strawberry and mashmallow into that chocolate for Iz. Before I could put a towel or napkin on Iz, it is too late. I will have a problem of getting rid of the choco on his shirt later.
The best part is, as what my bro comment: "He just so enjoying the food!!!!"

Ha, now, do you dare to kiss him? He,he.......


Chinneeq said...

luckily got one big white bib!

michelle@mybabybay said...

Tat's why I prefer to buy ice-cream in a cup, less mess.

Health Freak Mommy said...

Most kids will love the chocolate fondue, my gals too!

MamaJo said...

Mummytoqiqi: Ha,ha..too late, got chocolate stain liao

Mybabybay: For Isaac, he will wallop anything

Healthfreakmommy: Frankly speaking, except Jona, when he really want to eat something, I will never say no to him lor...