Cross stitching.....
Since young, I love to do cross stitch, A BIG Thanks to my mom for develop this hobby in me.....My mom will always pass to me a simple and easy to do cross stitch while she perform the difficult one, like scene of sunrise using mosquito net as base, etc....I have a lot of cross stitch picture hang in my house(hometown)....
And, ever since I enter Uni -> working -> marry -> got 2 princes, I just don't have the energy or time to spend on cross stitch anymore, till recently, when I travel on business trip....
To kill my 'boringness' at night, when I'm free, I know that I can have this hobby back - when I travel on business trip...yeah, that's the best time for me. Of course, definitely not at home - handling 2 boys, doing housechores, etc, already left me 'O' energy to do some cross stitch at night....
And, especially, for this business trip - in the countries, which had Winter period, cold, freezing and windy, definitely it is not for me to go out and walk around...I really not the type of winter lover, cause I hate when my nose turn red like Rudolph and my ears pain so much and need to wear like 'dumpling' to ease my coldness.....
Hope I could finish it anytimes from now, so I can start hang it up on my wall to brighten my sweet home......
Initial stage ~ 3 mths back....
jia you wor~
I love cross stitch too but scared I do too many and no place for me to hang all. hehe..
I also like to do when i was no time....
let me guess... all those in their thirties now had done cross stitch one way or another (it's like blogging now...), now mommies blog more LOL...i think i have not done cross stitch > 10 years :D
Very Nice, if only I have the time to do this. I used to cross stitch too when I was young, when I have so much time on hand.
u remind me that i hv to continue with mine ler..
Lingthat'sme: Ha, worries, sure got place for your cross stitch one...bedroom, kitchen, etc..
Chanelwong: Wait till the baby is out...
Waiwai: Wow, you should start one, just want to hand some nice picture on my wall..
Mybabybay: You sure have times if you want :P
Wen: Then, continue doing it again...what kind of picture you have huh?
torturing hobby... hehe
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