I don't know why, but, it seem that my kids are so prone to be admitted to hospital, which of course, I bet non of parents love their kids being admitted, right?
And, this time, it is Iz, my lil darling turn. It all happens so quick and fast, and I really can't think well as well......
It all started on Sat evening, when Iz suddenly got fever, and every 4 hours, need to be given medication, till Sunday evening, around 5pm, suddenly, his temperature shoot up to 40 something, and the worst part, he got Febrile Fit!!!
And, I really panic as I didn't prepare for it and never know how to handle this kind of situation...after giving some suppository to Iz, immediately I bring Iz to go see child specialist(Dr.Ting - first time seeing him as Iz usual child specialist is not open on Sunday evening). Worst of all, this child specialist is really 'BLOOD SUCKING'.......
Imagine, I'm worried and panic of Iz situation, he didn't help to ease my worry instead 'threaten' me that if Iz is not admitted, if happen another round of high fever and fit, it might damage Iz brain even more. He didn't even checked on Iz, and immediately insert drip and ask me to wait outside his clinic room to wait for him to see other patients and after 1 hour, 'slap' me with RM 300 fee!!!
Sleep well after medication and drip...
For me, as long as Iz is ok and fine, I really have no problem of admitting him for further monitoring, but, not with that kind of attitude from child specialist - without proper check and some explanation!!! I'm just wonder, where goes his medical ettique of treating patient with care!
Some of Iz's favorite toys to entertain him - Thomas & Friends...
Even staying in hospital, doesn't bring me satisfaction as well. Admitted on Sunday night, and when he came to see me around 10pm (bear in mind the time), he show me all the blood tests - to confirm that Iz has no problem at all......no deficit in blood glucose, no lack of calcium, etc....which might cause febrile fit and can't give me good excuse of why Iz got febrile fit(even myself know what is the reason).And, on Monday morning, Iz is back to normal - happy and active and complaining that he want to go home and play with kor kor....when I ask Dr.Ting, he unhappily told me, he prefer to monitor Iz for 24 hour before give him OK sign to go home, and add some 'sarcastic' comment: "If he is fit to go home, I will definitely let him go home. I won't even force him to stay extra longer here at all" and left!!
Insert the needle for drip...
Imagine, how rude of him acting as child specialist..And, on Monday night, when he came visit, , he came around 10.30pm!!! And, Iz and myself already fall asleep. When he came in, he say "So fast asleep already?" Like no so happy tone of not waiting for him. I like, 'Huh, Hallo? What is the time already? Even my next door patient also fall asleep, imagine me taking care of cranking Iz.......
When I asked Dr.Ting again, whether Iz can go home the next day (Tuesday), guess what he reply, "I prefer to let Iz stay for another one more day to monitor him again".......And, when he see my unhappiness, immediately he add on "Tomorrow morning, we just see how" and left again.
On Tuesday morning, I packed all Iz stuff and waiting to be discharge, and when he came, he really not happy and saying "I really have no reason to hold him back if you really want to be discharge"........
See, how cheerful Iz is....it really melt my heart to see he has to suffer this...Luckily, now, Iz is well and ok, except the body is still weak......I tell myself that I really won't go back to this child specialist anymore no matter how......