Monday, May 21, 2007

My favourite boy boy...

Isaac nowadays getting naughty + cute + adorable....everyone said he is 'mommy boy'. You know why? Cause whenever mommy goes, he will follow from behind...just can't live without his mommy lor - all I could said...

I never have this kind of problem with Jona at all...he is just so independent since baby...but, nowadays, he get jealous so easily....all because of Isaac Noel = sticker to his mommy too!!

While Jona is playing alone by himself....and mommy is resting at sofa, reading SMS, this little fella just jump next to me, and do some many attract his mommy attention lor....see, see


chanelwong said...

so cutie cutie...
by the way you got TAG....

Chinneeq said...

dont worry, once jona got girlfriend, wont jealous of isaac liao...hahaha...that time mummy will get jealous!

MamaJo said...

chinnee: Yalor...sure, mommy get so jealous lor, 2 boys got gf ler....