Yea, yea....just by so coincidence, the milk that both my boys drink, the milk company do allowed some form of redemption either you collect the spoon or the tin foils.
So, recently, I make some redemption for sponge book for Jona/Isaac, Fisher Price Story Book for Isaac and MPH Voucher for myself....
When the book arrived, Jona is the happiest person in our house (nowadays, he just love Postman so much!!). The sponge book indeed so nice and luckily both boys enjoy it so much. Who know, both willing to sharing - 3 for each persons.
As you could see, it used Disney character to bring the messages inside the book - Shapes, Colours, Animals, Opposites, 123 and My Feeling...
Inside, one page mention the word and another pages showing picture of wonderful...
And, I got this book just by using 160 points if I'm not mistaken. Worth to redeem lor....and ,recently, when I went to their website, this sponge book status "Out of Stock"!!
so nice to redeem these things for free hor, even they dont worth very much...
Which milk powder? My Enfa one nothing great for redemption :P
Mummy to qiqi: actual fact, we 'paid' through milk lar...
Immomsdaughter: Wyeth - Progress milk for Isaac(might switch to other milk - still under mission),...Jona on Enfa as well...
Wow, very lovely books.
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