Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Travel: Merlion City

Yup...tomorrow will be my first travelling trip for this year after resting for a month without travelling. Anyway, the feeling is good, you know why:-

This year, I wish and hope (what my boss promise me), that, I will be travelling less since he has just hired 2 new staffs to help me out. In another word, both of them will travel more, and I just manage or monitor them......Sound good hor....guess, too good to be true :p

But, again, of course, I still need to travel some times, which I have no problem at all, just not too frequent like last year. Anyway, still need to travel a lot before the 2 new staffs can really be 'throw' to the field.....

Just see how, Singapore, I'm coming, but, not sure where to shop or buy ler...cause nothing in my mind and both boys didn't request to have anything from this trip.

I change my strategy of not asking them anymore what they want from my trip, instead:

Momi: Iz, tomorrow momi outstation, can ar?
Iz: cannot....
Momi: Why cannot?
Iz: because Iz will miss momi (my heart feel bad)
Momi: but, Iz got Dadi and Kor Kor at home mah
Iz: Cannot...Iz will cry, ask for momi....."Momi, Momi"...
Jona: But, you got kor kor and dadi at home mah


Mommy Lose Weight said...

welcome u to singapore !! :)

Health Freak Mommy said...

Enjoy your trip to Singapore!

Audrey said...

Must be hard each time to leave the little ones at home. :(

MamaJo said...

Ling: Thank U, Thank U, I always went to Singapore.....might meet you in person one day?

HealthFreakMommy: Sure, or, next trip, I could help you to shop around :P

Tot's mom: Yup, that's why I envy SAHM....