Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Year Resolution

Each one has new year resolution when new year arrives.....and this year, I have several resolutions too....

Since I deliver Jona in 2003, I have always begging Dadi to enroll me for Marie France....he, should know what that mean.....I have tummy fat, which I hate it!! But, I have to admit that I lose weight pretty, I didn't bother about it initially. But, after I deliver Iz, and till now, it seem my tummy fat is getting serious and it didn't go away that easily anymore..Of course lor, I never do any simple exercise at all...should blame myself for it.

Till I get these 'sacarstic' remark from stranger, colleague and my dear brother last year.

Stranger: One day, when I shopping around Garden, Mid-Valley, while playing with Iz and Jona at sofa in front of COACH shop, one Indian lady, smiling at me, and asking me 'Are you expecting a third baby?' while looking at my tummy. Me like, 'what??!!' , eh....Nicely I told her, nope....but, in my heart, I can feel a sharp knife stuck into my heart.

Colleague: 'Hey, why your tummy so big one?' 'You pregnant again huh?'.....

My bro: "My sis, you look so pretty and sexy in that dress"...."You are still attractive, you know"....."But, too bad, your tummy is too BIG and ugly"...."You should do something about it".....

From that moment, I know I need to do something about my dear, new year resolution: Do daily sit up. At first, I keep asking Dadi to buy me a exercise mat, some equipment for doing sit up till suddenly hubby propose:

Dadi: "Hei, Momi, why want to spend extra money for got 2 cuttie beanies at home mah"
Momi: Where got?
Dadi: Jona and Iz lar, darling. Ask them to sit on your legs. As long as your legs didn't move too much, then, you can do sit up already mah.....right?
Momi: Ya hor, how come I didn't come to think of it.......

It has been 2 days, I do sit up with my boys(hope it is not temporary exercise :P).....and, I realise beside keeping my tummy flat again, at the same time, I do spend luxury moment with my boys...Jona is so happy to provide the help to me with some giggling, while Iz patiently wait for his the end, Jona also did some simple sit up with the help from lil Iz.....

You think my Momi can make it?? :P


Health Freak Mommy said...

Aiyah, no need to go to Marie France lar. Just wake up 1/2 hr early every morning and go jogging. That's what I did and I got back a flat tummy after delivering my gals.

Chinneeq said...

sigh...Jo, itu pun u lagi teruk....everyone was asking me if i m pregnant although i wasn't. so glad i m now...haha!!

michelle@mybabybay said...

Wonder why the Indian lady so daring? Not sure this will help u, try wearing belt.

Mommy Lose Weight said...

sure you can make it with determination! :)

Wen said...

i can never do sit up, lazy, pain afterwards, tired, etc.. me too oso got tummy fat dont know how to get rid of it now

Mommy said...

jia you, jo! once you see results, you will definitely stick to it!
-pek imm

MamaJo said...

HealthFreakMommy: Wow, I respect you for your determination!! Everyday I wake up at 6.00am, and prepare for Jona & cleaning house...another 30 mins earlier, I will like 'deadmeat' liao...he,he

MummytoQiQi: All the best to you, Chinnee!! If I pregnant ok no pregnant, said pregnant, so malu lar..

Mybabybay: Yalor...I really not know her....wearing normal belt or sliming belt huh? Effective?...seldom wear belt one...should try it lor...thanks ya!!

Ling that's me: Thanks for drop by my blog.... :P, not sure will survive how long...kah,kah..

Wen: Ha, doesn't look like got it..but, sending and fetch Ian, sure will make you lose some weight huh?

Mommy: Ha,ha...but, still can't see the result yet....ha,ha..not sure how long can maintain...